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http://jiangxi.hteacher.net 2019-09-18 09:28 江西教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]



1. In a typhoon, winds __________ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.

A. assume B. accomplish C. attain D. assess

2. He kept his head _________ water when he began to learn swimming, but he raised his head now and then.

A. against B. aboard C. above D. abroad

3. The teacher’s encouragement doesn’t ______ mean your progress, so you should try your best as well.

A. Necessarily B. directly C.formally D. hopefully

4. It will take you half an hour to get to the station, _____ traffic delays.

A. answered for B. allowing for C. applied for D. asked for

5.--- Little Smith doesn't look ______ his age.

---Exactly. He looks tall _______ his age.

A. /; for B. at; in C. for; in D. like; at

6. It ____John and Mary that helped me the other day.

A. has been B. are C. was D. were

7. The reason I plan to go is ____if I don't.

A. because she will be disappointed

B. that she will be disappointed

C. because she will have a disappointed

D. on account of her being disappointed

8. We consider ____ the instrument should be adjusted each time it is used.

A. that it necessary

B. necessary that

C. it necessary that

D. necessary of it that

9. She doesn’t like ____ indoors.

A. to keep

B. being kept

C. to be keeping

D. be kept

10. How about taking ______ short break? I want to make _______ call.

A. the;a B. a;the C. the;the D. a;a

11. It is not what you think but what you do ______ matters.

A. which B. it C. that D. this

12. It was so dark in the house that I could hardly ______ who he is.

A. turn out B. set out C. call out D. pick out

13. He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable ________.

A. ability B. adult C. academy D. opportunity

14. It is well known that the Internet will let people have __________ to huge amounts of information from their own homes.

A.appeal B.attention C.access D.approach

15. I’m really sorry about your camera; it was a (an) __________.

A.accommodation B.accident C.accuracy D.advantage

16. After receiving the news, immediate ___________ had been taken by the local government to stop the disease spreading.

A. achievement B. activity C. acquisition D. action

17. Last year he starred in this film _________ of Bill Cronshaw’s best-selling novel.

A. adaptation B. adoption C. advertisement D. addition

18. Coming to another country to study requires a big __________ and it takes a while to fit in.

A. agreement B. administration C. admission D. adjustment

19. Being able to speak another language fluently is a great ______ when you are looking for a job.

A. adventure B. algebra C. advantage D. ancestor

20. Here is so big a table________no one can lift.

A.that B.which C.for D.as


Your life can be enhanced and your happiness enriched. When you choose to change your perspective, don’t leave your future to chance, __21__ wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. All you will leave behind for the world to remember is your legacy, but what legacy will you leave?

I had a philosophy professor. His untidy appearance was highlighted by a __22__ sport coat and poor-fitting thick glasses, which often __23__ on the tip of his nose. Every now and then, as most philosophy professors do, he would go off on one of those hard-to-understand and existential “what’s the meaning of __24__” discussions. Many of those discussions went __25__, but there were a few that really hit home. This was one of them.

“__26__ to the following questions by a show of hands,” my professor __27__.

“How many of you can tell me something about your parents?” Everyone’s hand __28__.

“How many of you can tell me something about your grandparents?” About three-fourths raised their hands.

“How many of you can tell me something about your great-grandparents?” Two out of sixty students __29__ their hands.

“Look around the room,” he said. “In just two short generations __30__ any of us even know who our own great-grandparents were. Maybe we have an old photograph in a __31__ cigar box or know the classic family __32__ about how one of them walked 5 miles to school barefoot. But how many of us __33__ know who they were, what they thought, what they were proud of, what they were afraid of, or what they dream about? Within three generations our ancestors are all but forgotten. Will this __34__ to you?”

“Here’s a better question. Look __35__ three generations. You are long __36__. Instead of you sitting in this room, now it’s your great-grandchildren. What will they have to say __37__ you? Will they know about you? Or will you be __38__, too?

“Is your life going to be a __39__ or an example? What legacy(遗产)will you leave? The __40__ is yours. Class dismissed.”

21. A. or B. and C. but D. so

22. A. well-cut B. well-ironed C. well-worn D. well-designed

23. A. stood B. rested C. ran D. by

24. A. study B. family C. life D. work

25. A. nowhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. everywhere

26. A. repress B. represent C. respond D. relate

27. A. equipped B. instructed C. insulted D. evoked

28. A. went around B. went down C. went forward D. went up

29. A. aroused B. raised C. rise D. arose

30. A. hardly B. almost C. not D. nearly

31. A. fascinating B. factual C. musty D. mystical

32. A. history B. tree C. song D. story

33. A. really B. simply C. roughly D. generally

34. A. refer B. happen C. belong D. pass

35. A. back B. for C. ahead D. around

36. A. got B. ready C. alive D. gone

37. A. behind B. to C. for D. about

38. A. forgotten B. remembered C. respected D. scolded

39. A. suffering B. warning C. meaning D. learning

40. A. way B. explanation C. reason D. choice



A new survey of families with working wives indicates that superwoman,her husband and their children are generally happy with the arrangement.

A lot has been written recently about the tensions developed by women who try to manage home,husband,children and an outside job without short changing any of them.

Statistics from,and individual responses to,the survey by the Mark Clements Research firm for Family Circle magazine suggest the situation isn’t as bad as it has been pictured.

The magazine asked 15,000 reader,husbands as well as wives,if the wives working outside improved the marriage: 43.3 percent were full-time homemakers,although more than half the magazine’s readers are in that category.

The question of when to look for a job away from home was one of the most conclusive endings. Almost half of all the respondents,men and women of all ages,occupation and education,agreed that the best time was when the youngest child entered elementary school.

Some women wrote of the emotional strain of full-time mothering.Another said she chose outside work because“All my friends and neighbors that I cared to associate with worked.”

For many years,working wives were urged to Save their earnings so the family would not be accustomed to living beyond its means when children began arriving.That view is changing.

What about the next generation,they were asked.Only nine percent of working mothers and twelve percent of the husbands said they would want their daughters to become full-time homemaker.

41. Which of the following statements is the main idea of this passage?

A. Most women prefer to work outside home now.

B. Most families feel wives working improve marriage.

C. People's attitude is changing in favor of women working outside.

D. For wives when to look for a job away from home was under discussion.

42. What was generally believed about working wives before the survey?

A. Working women would feel stressed and bring tension to their families.

B. Their children would suffer greatly from tension.

C. They were superwomen who could manage home, husband, children and an outside job.

D. They couldn’t manage home, husband, children and all outside job without changing any of them.

43. The words“that category”(Para.4) refer to _____.

A. the wives responding to the survey B. full-time homemakers

C. the wives holding outside jobs D. the readers of Family Circle

44. According to the passage,some women chose to work because _____.

A. being a full-time homemaker was boring

B. they wanted to realize their value in some profession

C. they had to save their families from living beyond its means

D. being a full-time mother was under emotional pressure

45. It can be concluded from the passage that most of the parents _____.

A. expect their daughters not to be family-bound in the future

B. have to get themselves a job right after their children have arrived

C. like to save their earnings as much as they can

D. think that their children should share some housework


One positive consequence of our current national crisis may be at least a temporary shadow in Hollywood's culture of violence. Fearful of offending audiences in the wake of the terrorist attack, some moviemakers have postponed the release of film with terrorist themes. Television writers are delaying scripts with warlike and terrorist scenarios (剧本提纲).It is probably good thinking. My local video store tells me nobody is checking out "disaster" movies. Says the manager, "Currently, people want comedy. They want an escape from stories about violence and terrorism." Similarly, in the music business, there's a run on patriotic and inspirational tapes and CDs.

According to The New York Times, the self scrutiny among these czars (特权人物) of mass-entertainment taste is unprecedented in scale, sweeping aside hundreds of millions of dollars in projects that no longer seem appropriate. A reasonable concern is that this might be a short term phenomenon. Once life returns to something more normal, will Hollywood return to its bad old ways? The Times offers a glimmer of hope. The industry's titans (巨头),it suggests, are struggling with much more difficulties, long range questions of what the public will want once the initial shock from the terrorist attacks wears off. Many in the industry admit they do not know where the boundaries of taste and consumer tolerance now lie.

This is an opportunity for some of us to suggest to Hollywood where that boundary of consumer tolerance is, especially those of us who have not yet convinced Hollywood to cease its descent into ever lower of the dumbness of our young.

The nonprofit Parents Television Council, which monitors the quality of TV programming, says in its latest report that today's TV shows are more laced than ever with vulgarities, sexual immorality, crudities, violence, and foul language. The traditional family hour between 8p.m.and 9p.m., when the networks used to offer programs for the entire family, has disappeared. The problem looks like it will get worse.

That certainly looked to be the case before the Sept.11th assault. One pre attack New York Times story reported that TV producers were crusading (讨伐) for scripts that include every crude word imaginable. The struggles between net-work censors and producers, according to the report, were "growing more intense". Producers like Aaron Sorkin of "The West Wing" planned to keep pushing hard. He was quoted as saying,"There's absolutely no reason why we can't use the language of adulthood in programs that are about adults".

My guess is that a lot of adults don't use the language Mr. Sorkin wants to use, and don't enjoy having their children hear it. At this moment of crisis in our nation's history, thought has become more thoughtful, prayerful, and spiritual. It may be the time to tell the entertainment industry that we want not a temporary pause in the flow of tastelessness, but a long term clean-up.

46. Some filmmakers hesitate to release new films with violent content because .

A. they want to show themselves to be patriots

B. they are afraid such films may anger audiences

C. films with violence in them are no longer popu1ar

D. films with terrorist themes are reflections on violence.

47. The "self-scrutiny" in the second paragraph refers to filmmakers attempt to .

A. produce appropriate films with no violent content for the audiences

B. prevent themselves from slipping into their old bad ways

C. understand to what extent their films have contributed to the national crisis

D. find out where the boundaries of taste and consumer tolerance lie

48. The author thinks that it is time for the general audience to .

A. tell filmmakers where the boundaries of their taste lie

B. point out to Hollywood how bad their films are

C. accuse the filmmakers of desensitizing their children

D. ask filmmakers to make films that reflect traditional family life

49. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Aaron Sorkin?

A. He is strongly against using crude language in films.

B. He starts the struggles between network censors and producer.

C. He insists no restraint be set to the language used in films.

D. He believes that it is time to clean up the entertainment industry.

50. The author's purpose in writing this passage is .

A. to acknowledge the current practice of the entertainment industry

B. to show his admiration for the current practice of the entertainment industry

C. to accuse the entertainment industry of their current practice

D. to show tolerance of the current practice of the entertainment industry








Recently we had a class meeting whose topic was “success”. Views varied from person to person.


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