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教师招聘面试试讲稿:How often do you exercise?(初中英语)

http://liaoning.hteacher.net 2024-07-12 13:40 辽宁教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

 How often do you exercise?试讲稿


Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.I’m No.XX candidate,applying for junior middle school English teacher.My topic is How often do you exercise?Now I’m ready.Class begins.

1.Warming-up and lead-in

T:Good morning.Boys and girls.Do you find me something different?

Ss:Your clothes?Your hair?Your beautiful face?You are getting thinner!

T:Oh,somebody has got the point.I’m thinner!You know why?I want to invite someone to answer me!Mary,do you?

S:I think you just eat less and exercise more.

T:Yeah,good job!I don’t eat much junk food.And most importantly,I exercise every day.And how about you guys?How often do you exercise?

Ss:Every day.

T:So you can guess today our topic is:how often do you exercise?


T:Today we are going to learn page 15.Now you are invited to go through the story about Linda and try to work out the mindtell and the story of Linda to class.You have five minutes.

T:OK.Time is up.Who wants to have a try?Tom?

S:This passage is about Linda’s daily habits.

T:Good.Now I hope you can put missing words in the blank within three minutes.After that,I will invite somebody to tell your answers.

T:So volunteers?OK,Lily please.


T:Good job.Now Let’s read the words on the blackboard together.


T:Now I want to put all of you into groups of four and you can choose a group leader.You are invited to complete the chart in 3b by putting together your good and bad habits.You have five minutes.

T:Time is up.Which group wants to have a try?Group two?


T:You do an excellent job.

T:Now I hope you can go on to write a report about the habits of group members.After that,one reads the report to the group aloud,while the rest listen,check and find mistakes.You have five minutes.Now,go!Just do it!

T:Finished?OK.Next,each group sends a representative to read the report to the class.The students from other groups come to the front to have a look at the comments from the three perspectives:handwriting,grammar and content.

T:Now I would like to invite somebody to take a presentation. Volunteers?

T:Group one?Very good.


T:Today our homework is to make a survey about your mother’s daily tasks and write an article within 150 words.See you next class.

5.Blackboard design

How often do you exercise?

always every day twice a week never

That’s my presentation.Thanks for your listening.








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