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http://www.hteacher.net 2023-07-06 17:51 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]

预测八:American Realism Period 美国现实主义文学(1865 南北战争 —1914 第一次世界大战)

Mark Twain 马克 • 吐温被誉为 “ 杰出的幽默讽刺作家 ”,其主要作品有The Gilded Age《 镀 金 时 代》;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer《汤姆 • 索 耶 历 险 记》;The Adventures of

Huckleberry Finn《哈克贝利 • 费恩历险记》。

预测九:American Modernism 美国现代主义文学(1914 年一战 —1939 年二战)

Ernest Hemingway 厄内斯特 • 海明威(1899—1961)1954 年诺贝尔文学奖获得者;战争经历影响着其写作风格(His own writing style was affected by the war experience)。他的主要作品有The Sun Also Rises《太阳照常升起》、Farewell to Arms《永别了,武器》、For Whom the Bell Tolls《丧钟为谁而鸣》、The Old Man and the Sea《老人与海》。

1. Paradise Lost is written by ______.

A. John Milton

B. John Bunyan

C. Christopher Marlowe

D. John Dryden

2. ______ is NOT one of Shakespeare’s comedies.

A. As you like it

B. Twelfth Night

C. Romeo and Juliet

D. A midsummer Night’s Dream

3. George Gordon Byron was most famous for ______.

A. Don Juan

B. Ode to the west wind

C. Kubla khan

D. Ode to a nightingale

4. Spenserian stanza is a form of poetry first employed by Edmund Spenser in his long poetry


A. The faerie queen

B. The shepherd’s calendar

C. Epithalamion

D. Amoretti

5. Charles Dickens wrote all of the following except ______.

A. Oliver Twist

B. David Copperfield

C. A Tale of Two Cities

D. Heart of Darkness

6. ______ is a philosophic and literary movement that flourishes in New England and starts a new

era of American literature.

A. Puritanism

B. Enlightenment

C. Romanticism

D. Transcendentalism

7. Walden, or life in the woods is the masterpiece of ______.

A. Ralph Waldo Emerson

B. Walt Whitman

C. Washington Irving

D. Henry David Thoreau

8. ______ is the greatest literary work of Walt Whitman.

A. Leaves of Grass

B. A Psalm of Life

C. Ballads and other Poems

D. Song of the Broad-Axe

9. ______ is NOT written by Mark Twain.

A. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County B. Adventures of Tom Sawyer

C. The Open Boat

D. The Gilded Age

10. ______ is NOT a novel by Ernest Hemingway.

A. The Sun Also Rises

B. The Old Man and the Sea

C. For Whom the Bell Tolls

D. This Side of Paradise








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