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http://www.hteacher.net 2023-07-06 17:23 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]

Once upon a time, there was a king who had twin sons. There was some ___1___ about which

one had been born first. As they grew up, the king sought out a ___2___ way of choosing one of them

as the crown prince.

One day he said, “My sons, the ___3___ will come when one of you must succeed me as

king. The ___4___ of power are very heavy. To find out which of you is ___5___ able to bear them

cheerfully, I’m sending you to one of my advisors, who will place equal burdens on your ___6___. My

crown will go to the one who first ___7___ bearing his burden.”

The brothers ___8___ together at once. Soon they met a weak and ___9___ woman struggling

under a heavy weight. One of the boys suggested that they stop to help her. The other ___10___, “We

have a burden of our own to worry about. Let’s be on our way.”

So the second son ___11___ on while the first stayed behind to help the woman. As he continued,

the first son found others who needed ___12___: a blind man who needed assistance to go home and a

lost child whom he carried back to her ___13___ parents.

Eventually he did reach his father’s advisor, ___14___ his own burden, and went back home with

it ___15___ on his shoulders. When he arrived back at the palace, his brother met him at the gate and

greeted him with ___16___. “I don’t understand,” the brother said. “I ___17___ Father the burden was

too heavy to carry. How did you___18___ it alone?”

The future king replied ___19___, “I suppose by helping others carry their burdens. I ___20___

the strength to bear my own.”

1. A. difference

B. concern

C. surprise

D. confusion

2. A. convenient

B. fair

C. simple

D. familiar

3. A. hour

B. day

C. month

D. year

4. A. burdens

B. benefits

C. shares

D. desires

5. A. worse

B. harder

C. better

D. rougher

6. A. shoulders

B. hands

C. head

D. back

7. A. leaves

B. flees

C. stays

D. returns

8. A. set aside

B. set out

C. set up

D. set down

9. A. excited

B. disappointed

C. aged

D. surprised

10. A. proposed

B. suggested

C. agreed

D. objected

11. A. hurried

B. looked

C. planned

D. insisted

12. A. effort

B. help

C. courage

D. confidence

13. A. tired

B. trapped

C. worried

D. frightened

14. A. bore

B. shared

C. removed

D. lessened

15. A. fearfully

B. frequently

C. hopelessly

D. safely

16. A. pleasure

B. sadness

C. admiration

D. fear

17. A. told

B. scolded

C. delighted

D. comforted

18. A. transport

B. direct

C. manage

D. find

19. A. carelessly

B. painfully

C. proudly

D. thoughtfully

20. A. lost

B. lacked

C. found

D. measured








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